Resources for Families
Suitable for All Children
The Artful Parent
500+ FREE art activities
The BBC are programming 3 hours of learning each weekday for various ages and subjects.
BBC Bitesize
Online games and activities for children in England, Ireland and Wales. Covering a wide range of subjects. For children aged 3 to 11.
5-7 yrs: Counting 🧮 -
7-11 yrs: Solar System 💫 -
11-14 yrs: Elements ⚗️-
14-16 yrs: Cells 🧬 -
Blue Peter Badges
Different activities for your children to aim for - you just need a stamp, envelope ✉️ and a postbox nearby... For children aged 6 to 15.
The Calm Team
Free resources page created in response to the COVID-19 There is meditations, stories, music, talks and more, all hand-picked to support your mental and emotional wellness. Suitable for all ages (parents included!)
Games, videos and activities. For children aged 3 to 11.
Chester Zoo
A range of resources to help with teaching and learning at home and at school. Suitable for all ages.
DK Find Out
Videos, activities and quizzes. More suited to children aged 6 to 11.
Education Box Ltd
Listen and sing along to the multiplication times tables by Education Box Ltd for FREE with a free 30 day Spotify account.
Five Minute Mum
Five minute fun activities for busy people to do with little people. Activities start for young children as young as 1 years of age.
Geography Games
Geography games on many geography topics. More suited to children aged 7 to 11+
A way of engaging children with movement and mindfulness videos created by child development experts. For children of all ages.
The Imagination Tree
Lovely creative art and craft activities for pre school children and toddlers.
The Literacy Company
A range of FREE resources to engage pupils in practising key skills if they need to work from home.
The Literacy Trust
A new family zone has been created in response to school closures. The site is organised by age of children to help you find ideas and guidance for simple activities that will engage them at home, while also benefiting their reading, writing and language development. Resources are such as free reading and writing resources, audiobooks, videos, competitions and reading challenges.
Maths Zone
Free tablet and computer maths games. For children in year one (aged 5-6) to year twelve + (aged 15 and older).
Mystery Science
Free science lessons to inspire children. (Some free memberships remaining)
National Geographic Kids
Fun activities and quizzes for children of primary school age.
Nature Detectives
A lot of these activities can be done in a garden. For children aged 0 to 6 +
Maths activities for home
The Numberblocks
More suited to children from pre-school age up to year one (age 6) to sing along and learn all about numbers!
Become the next David Attenborough or Jane Goodall with these great topics on animals across the globe.
Oxford Owl for Home
Many free e-book resources for primary age children.
Red Ted Art
Easy arts and crafts for little ones. From under age 5 upwards.
Ruth Miskin - Read Write Inc. Phonics
Phonics lessons on YouTube for children to watch at home during school closures.
Practise Set 1, 2 & 3 sounds in Speed Sounds Lessons; learn to read Red Words and practise reading and writing using Hold a Sentence.
All lessons will show at 9.30 am each day and be available for 24 hours. Click the link above for the daily schedule and more information.
Personalised Maths and Spelling activities for children aged 5 to 14 years. Free during school closures.
Science experiments, for children from age 4 to 11.
Fun games and activities. Watch, listen and play games to learn about animals.
Ted Ed
All sorts of engaging educational videos. For children of primary school age.
The Kids Should See This
Wide range of smart videos for curious minds.
Top Marks
FREE Educational games and resources for teachers and parents. For children in Early Years up to secondary school.
Toy Theater
Fun educational online games. For children in pre-school to primary school (plus).
We are teachers
Virtual story telling from authors online.
You Cubed
Jo Boaler shares twelve steps parents can take to increase a child's math achievement and make math fun!
Suitable for EYFS
A range of FREE home learning packs to help parents and teachers
Crash Course Kids
The same as above (crash course) but for younger children.
A home learning platform which supports parents and early years educators.
Oscar’s World
Over the next few weeks some #homeschooling activities will be created with Sony Magic Star’s artist Oscar! Most suited to children of reception age.
Suitable for KS1 (Y1 & 2)
CBeebies Radio
Listening activities for young children. More suited to children aged 3 to 7.
A range of FREE home learning packs to help parents and teachers
Crash Course Kids
The same as above (crash course) but for younger children.
Suitable for LKS2 (Y3 & 4)
A range of FREE home learning packs to help parents and teachers
A free way to learn languages. More suited to children aged 7 to 11+
Crash Course
A fabulous resource with YouTube videos on 22 subjects. More suited to children aged 7 to 11.
Suitable for USK2 (Y5 & 6)
A range of FREE home learning packs to help parents and teachers
A fun way to learn computer programming skills. For children aged 10+.
A free way to learn languages. More suited to children aged 7 to 11+
Crash Course
A fabulous resource with YouTube videos on 22 subjects. More suited to children aged 7 to 11.