Learning in Year 1
Autumn Term
In English we will be looking at a range of exciting stories to inspire our writing. These include, but are not limited to, The Snail and the Whale, Cave Baby and What The Ladybird Heard.
- To use Fred sounds to help read and write words.
- To form letters clearly.
- To write on the lines.
- To use finger spaces between words.
- To learn to use capital letters at the start of a sentence.
- To learn to use full stops at the end of a sentence.
- To learn to use a variety of adjectives to add interest to my writing.
- Place Value to 10
- Addition and subtraction to 10
- Shapes
Within each strand, children will also focus on reasoning and applying taught concepts - this will help us to be better mathematical thinkers.
History - Changes in Living Memory
Our History Topic for Autumn 1 is the All About Me. We will cover a range of objectives introducing children to this unit. Including;
- changes within living memory. Where appropriate, these should be used to reveal aspects of change in national life
- events beyond living memory that are significant nationally or globally
Our art topic for Autumn 1 will be drawing. The key skills are:
To use a range of materials, including pencils, chalk, charcoal, pastels, etc.
To develop their use of space, composition and proportion.
To begin to understand tone.
Our art topic for Autumn 2 will be colour mixing. The key skills are:
• To collect information, sketches and resources in a sketchbook.
• To explore marks on paper, using a variety of tools and brushes to spread the paint.
• To experiment with colour and mixing, that a tint is a mixture of a colour with white and a shade is a mixture of a colour with black.
• To know the primary and secondary colours.
Science: Seasons and Animals Including Humans
This term in science we will be exploring the seasons and animals including humans.
The objectives are:
-Observe changes across seasons
- Weather and day length
-Months in each season
- The 5 senses
RE - Christianity (Creation story)
In RE this term we will be focusing on Christianity and the creation story. The children will begin to understand what is meant by creation and retell the creation story focussing on what God created on each day.
In PSHE our topic is 'being me in my world'. We will be looking at feelings of proudness, safety and consequences of our actions.
This half-term we will be learning to play simple rhythms.
In Spanish, we will be learning to sing nursery rhymes!