Pupil Premium
Our Pupil Premium Strategy
Midfield Primary School is committed to supporting all pupils to overcome any barriers to learning. The Federation recognises that our families have a wide range of needs and they also have many strengths. Our aim is to ensure that all children who are in receipt of the Pupil Premium Grant will make at least expected progress, achieving as well or better than those nationally. In addition to this we expect that all Pupil Premium Pupils will achieve as well as non-pupil premium pupils.
In 2022-23, diminishing the difference and supporting vulnerable children to build their academic resilience continues to be a key aspect of the School Improvement Plan. Staff strive to ensure that all children can access the curriculum through multisensory learning experiences both indoors and outdoors.
Vulnerable pupils who are eligible for the Pupil Premium Grant are identified by staff during 6 weekly pupil progress meetings and interventions are designed to close the gaps in learning, promoting optimal progress. Our PIXL interventions also targets specific learning gaps.
This process is supported by Individual tracking of all pupils, taking into account academic progress, attendance, SEN and social needs, the involvement of the family in home reading and homework. Children at danger of falling behind are identified quickly and parents invited to meet with key staff who will explain what strategies we will be using to address this.
To encourage reading, the school library is now open at lunchtime as a choice for those pupils who may wish to read.
How We Measure the Impact of the Pupil Premium Grant
Midfield Primary School have a rigorous Assessment cycle that is overseen by the Senior Leadership Team with responsibility for curriculum and assessment and Inclusion. Progress of all Pupil Premium (PP) children is discussed at termly pupil progress meetings. Any PP children who also have Special Educational needs are discussed again at a further meeting with the Special Educational Needs coordinators.