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Our Safeguarding Officers

Designated Safeguarding Leads

Mr D Osborn
Designated Safeguarding Lead

Miss. L Withers
Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead

Mrs S Hall
Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead

Mr. P Le Conte
Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead

Ms. V Moyle
Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead

Mrs L Brooks
Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead
Miss. J Major
Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead
Mrs S. Eede
Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead

Main DSL for the School: Mr D Osborn                                                             

Deputy DSLs:  Miss L Withers, Mrs S Hall, Mr P Le Conte, Ms V Moyle, Mrs L Brooks, Miss J Major and Mrs S Eede                               

Designated teacher for looked after children: Miss J Major / Mrs L Brooks  

Designated E Safety Lead: Mrs L Brooks

Tel: 0208 300 6161
