Autumn 1 2020
Areas discussed:
- How have new Covid-19 safety measures impact break and lunch times?
- How frequently are children learning outdoors?
- What resources would be useful when learning outdoors?
Actions and Impacts:
- Children enjoy break times and like that lunch times are on a rota so all children get a chance to use the field and the playgrounds.
- Children find the equipment given at break times limiting, as it is the same every day. Children miss OPAL play.
- A new order of outdoor learning resources will be placed, inspired by the children's ideas.
- Children are enjoying the amount of outdoor learning they are doing.
Spring 2
Areas discussed:
- What are children's opinions of the new break time and lunch times?
- How frequently are real life experiences used to inspire writing
Actions and Impact:
- Children enjoyed the new break times as there are fewer children on the playground.
- Some children would like to change when they have lunch, as the Year 6s are always last.
- More support will be offered to teachers on how to incorporate experiential learning within learning.
Autumn 2
Areas discussed:
- How can break time be made more enjoyable for KS2?
- What can be done to improve the activities at lunch time?
- How frequently are children learning outdoors?
Actions and Impact:
- KS2 break to be split to reduce crowding and allow more space for games.
- Lunch timetable to be reviewed and altered, again to reduce crowding and increase availability of equipment.
- More support offered to teachers on how to embed outdoor learning into the curriculum.