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At Midfield we consider that regular school attendance is vital in ensuring the best educational outcome. In the past we have seen how regular attendance impacts on academic progress. We believe that every child deserves the best education, which will hopefully prepare them for the next stage of their life.

Attendance is a key priority of our School Improvement Plan (SIP).

Good attendance is 96% and above.

Mr Osborn is the School's Attendance Champion 

Every school day counts!

Support and guidance on attendance is always available in school. If you have any questions about this please contact our Attendance Team which is led by Mrs Hall. 

Parents have a responsibility to ensure their child attends school regularly and arrives on time. Permitting absence from school without good reason could result in an offence and may result in prosecution.

Persistent absence means your child has less chance of success and attendance below 90% (19 days absence) will have a serious impact on their education.

Each school day equates to two possible sessions of attendance (am/pm).

As a school, we are not permitted to authorise Holidays during term time and as such these will not be authorised. In exceptional circumstances (e.g. associated with bereavement and required to attend a funeral abroad) the Headteacher may consult with the Local Authority Education Welfare Department to take advice before authorisation is provided.

For all absences, please email  Messages can also be left on our absence line – please dial the school office and select the absence line option.

Please click here to view our Attendance Policy for more information