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Reporting your child's absence

Reporting your child’s absence

We understand that absence due to ill health can be unavoidable. If your child is going to be absent please:

Contact the school office by 9.00am

This can be by email or by telephone 020 8300 6161 where you can leave a message. Please call each day of your child’s absence.

If we do not hear from you and your child does not arrive in school our staff will attempt to contact you. For Safeguarding purposes it is vital we know where children are and therefore if we are unable to make contact with you, in the first instance we will contact emergency contacts. If we still haven't had any communication with you, we may request Education Welfare and/or the Police undertake a home-visit to make sure that you and your children are safe. To avoid this, please contact us daily with the reasons for absence - it helps reassure us everything is okay and that everyone is safe. 

Children with less than 94% attendance will be closely monitored by the Attendance Team and the Local Authority Education Welfare Officer. You may be invited to a meeting if attendance is causing concern. Appointments will be made with parents to discuss absence and failure to make significant improvement in attendance, may result in legal action, possibly fines and/or prosecution. We have regular assemblies to celebrate good attendance which we encourage and reward.

100% Attendence

Every half term certificates are awarded to children with 100% attendance. Their names are entered into a lotto draw where one child receives a monetary voucher.

Medical Apointments

If your child has a medical appointment coming up please notify us in advance and provide us with a copy of the appointment letter or card. Wherever possible, we do expect children to be in school / return to school on either side of the appointment. 


Every School day Counts but every MINUTE is equally important!

Please see below regarding school timings for the start of the school day:

  • 8.40am School pedestrian gates are open
  • 8.55am School pedestrian gates are locked and class registers are taken.

All children arriving once the school gate is locked MUST enter school via the school office and their names will be registered in the late book. These will be marked in the class register as (L).

  • 9.00am lessons begin promptly.
  • 9.30am Children arriving in the school office after this time will be marked in as late and unauthorised in the class register (U).

Each child arriving late causes disruption to the rest of their learning group

  • Lost minutes = Lost learning
  • Over an academic year 5 minutes late each day equates to 3 days lost!
  • 10 minutes late each day equates to 6.5 days lost!