Learning in Year 2
At Midfield we follow maths mastery:
(https://www.ncetm.org.uk/public/files/19990433/Developing_mastery_in_mathematics_october_2014.pdf. )
As part of this, all aspects of maths will first be taught using concrete materials, then progressing onto pictorials and finally using abstract methods. This has been shown to be a fantastic method of building solid and secure mathematical understanding. Once this understanding is secure, children learn how to problem solve and reason. We aim to ground mathematical concepts in the real world to provide context and familiarisation.
Over the year your children will learn:
Addition / Subtraction / Multiplication / Division / 2D & 3D Shapes / Time / Measurement / Place Value.
During Summer One the children will learn about the topics of Length, Position and direction and Time; whilst ensuring that we still cover any learning that has been missed in year one.
The children will learn to measure using a cm ruler, metre stick and trundle wheel. They will learn to draw lines of given lengths and make comparisons of measurements. During our topic on Position and direction they will learn to recognise and make various turns such as half and quarter whilst applying their knowledge of clock-wise and anti-clockwise. This will lead nicely into learning how to tell the time to the nearest five minutes.
By the end of Year 2 children are expected to be fluent in their 2s, 5s and 10s times tables and to help with that, we have subscribed to the PIXL Times Table app (with weekly certificates awarded for success and endeavour!). See https://timestable.pixl.org.uk/Timestables.html school username MF6090, individual pupil login details supplied.
This term our focus texts will be Tell me a Dragon and The Story Machine.
Tell me a Dragon describes many different varieties of the beast, showing in words and stunning pictures exactly why their owners find them so entrancing. The children will read about dragons as big as a village to tiny dragons with whisper-thin wings! The children will use this stimulus to write descriptively and persuasively.
The Story Machine is a book about a boy called Elliot, who likes to find things and, one day, he stumbles across a machine. At first, he can't work out what the machine is for - it doesn't beep or buzz like all his other machines and it doesn't have an ON/OFF button. Then, quite by accident, Elliott makes the machine work. The children will use this fascinating story to write adverts and instructional texts.
Over the year, we use quality texts such as Bananas in my Ears (a collection of nonsense stories, poems, riddles, and rhymes) and Happiness is Watermelon on Your Head (a surreal picture book with a rhyming text), for our writing inspiration and focus.
We learn about many different genres of writing, including letters, newspaper reports and descriptions. All the work across the year is linked to either the class story, or a shared class experience - we love providing children with experiential learning wherever possible to promote purposeful learning that they will better retain, long term. We also use foundation subjects for focused Big Writes.
We teach your children how to use a range of features within their writing including;
Capital letters / Finger spaces / Full stops / Expanded noun phrases / Similes / Adverbs / Conjunctions / Adverbials of time / Prefix and suffix words / Apostrophes / Joined handwriting using Penpals for Handwriting.
In Year 2 reading is taught daily. Some children read with the class teacher during guided reading sessions, in which children are taught comprehension skills. Other children remain in Read Write Inc groups to help them with their segmenting and blending of words.
Each child is issued with a home reading journal and book, which should be read, signed off, and returned to school daily. Home reading is a hugely beneficial way of supporting your child's learning across the curriculum. We have several schemes within the school such as visiting the library at lunchtimes to encourage their independent enjoyment of reading.
This term we will be learning about the continent of Australasia and we will be comparing and contrasting to the UK. We will be identifying and grouping the physical and human features of Australia. The children will learn to recognise the Australian flag, the position of the country on a world map as well as exploring the countries fascinating cultural diversity.
We will be having ICT on a weekly basis and we have some rather exciting projects lined up for the children. During our lessons this term we will be learning about algorithms. The children will learn to give, follow and write instructions to program simple devices. The children will have the opportunity to write simple computer programs using 'Scratch'.
Art & DT
During this term our topic moves on to Moving Pictures! We will explore a range of examples of existing moving posters and books and will think about what movement is possible in the books e.g. moving up and down, pivoting side to side, sliding etc. The children will learn how to make three different types of mechanisms and use to make their own moving picture!
Using the Discovery RE scheme of work, our lessons are wide-reaching and thought-provoking, asking questions such as 'Is it true that Jesus came back to life again?', 'How important is it for Jewish people to do what God asks them to do?' and 'Does going to a Mosque give Muslims a sense of belonging?'
During our studies the children are encouraged to respect and take account of a range of world views as well as making links with non-religious values that we adopt in every day life.
This half term we will be learning about the importance of prayer for Muslims. We will be learning about the features of a mosque and what activities take place there. We also plan to have a virtual visit from the Imam at the local mosque (Al-Emaan mosque in Keston). This is sure to be an exciting topic that will give the children a valuable insight into the importance of community for Islamic people.
This term our topic is 'The Environment' which links in beautifully with our Earth Day activities that are due to take place during the first week of Summer One. The children will be learning about the impact that humans have on the environment and most importantly what we can do to help protect it! We will be using our scientific thinking and investigative skills to conduct a series of investigations that will teach the children about concepts such as global warming and water pollution.
Our musical focus this half term is 'Weather'.
The children will be:
- Performing a rhythmic chant and playing an independent rhythm pattern to accompany it
- Listening in detail to a piece of orchestral music such as Vivalidi's 'Four Seasons'.
- Composing music to illustrate a story
very term we will focus on teaching the children particular skills linked to the school's long term plan.
During this half term our focus moves to Athletics. During this unit of work the children will develop their ability to hurdle, jump and throw effectively and learn how they can use their body to maximise performance.