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Purpose of homework

Enjoy sharing your children’s learning with them - every little helps.

Homework is given on Friday and should be completed and returned by the following Wednesday.

Note: If children are unable to complete homework by the following Wednesday, then they will have the opportunity to complete their homework in a supported group during part of lunchtime on the Thursday or Friday.

Homework through the School

  • In Reception, children read and practise sounds and words for homework.
  • For children in Years 1 and 2, the main purpose of homework is to develop a partnership with parents, actively involving you in your child’s learning.  We endeavour to make homework as fun as possible so that a range of open ended practical and written activities are provided rather than worksheets.

Parents are encouraged to:

  • Provide a peaceful place for doing homework
  • Make it clear that homework helps children to make progress
  • Expect deadlines to be met
  • Give praise for completion of homework
  • Ensure homework is done over several weeks rather than in one go.  This ultimately improves enjoyment and ensures children sustain levels of engagement across the term.


All children from Year 1 upwards will be given a maths activity each week. This will take the form of either work from their mental maths activity book, times tables or work related to the unit of work they are working on in class.


All children from Year 1 upwards should practise tables for 5 minutes every day please. Aim to know all tables up to x 12 for 2, 5 and 10 time tables.


Throughout the day children will read for a variety of purposes. They will be taught specific reading skills with the teacher and the teacher will also read a variety of quality stories to the children. To support this, we recommend that all children read for at least 15 minutes a day before or after school. School or home books are suitable. Please sign your child’s Reading Record book each time they read.

Reading records are checked daily and Dojos are given as awards and incentives.

Please ensure that you discuss what has been read with your child by asking a range of comprehension questions.  See the link to 'Reading Vipers', which can be found under 'How to support learning at home 'Useful information to support learning' tab.  This document will give you invaluable information about the kind of comprehension questions that you should be asking your child whilst reading.


Children from Year 2 will receive 10 spellings each week that they must learn to spell for the following week.  Five spellings each week will be related from the year 2 Common Exception Words from the National Curriculum and five will be focus words linked to a given spelling pattern for the week i.e. words with the 'ai' sound.


Some homework might be set in other subjects as part of the half term's homework passport.