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How you can help your child practise at home

There are plenty of other ways to help your child revise for the test:

  • Copy some sentences from a book and get him to underline either the main or subordinate clause.

  • Write down some unpunctuated sentences for your child to punctuate correctly.

  • Call out a word and ask your child to tell you a synonym (a word that means the same) or an antonym (a word that means the opposite).

  • When writing letters or emails, encourage your child to add an adjective or adverb to a sentence (e.g. ‘Thank you for my wonderful birthday present’)

  • If your child asks you a question, ask how he would rephrase it as a command (e.g. ‘Can you make me a drink?’ becomes, ‘Make me a drink!’)

  • Make spelling part of everyday life! Try a few unusual strategies to improve your child's spelling, put a few teachers' spelling tricks to the test or play some great spelling games.

  • Encourage your child to read a variety of texts – fiction, information books, comics, newspapers, magazines, etc – to broaden their vocabulary.

TheSchoolRun also offers a selection of grammar worksheets and spelling practice worksheets – browse through our resources to find the right ones for your child, as well as looking through TheSchoolRun's SPAG 'mock' papers.  (Please note that the SchoolRun may require you to subscribe in order to access some of these materials.  Please do not feel obliged to subscribe, Midfield wants ensure that you aware that such materials exist should you feel that you child would need these.  There are other free materials also available on the web and class teachers are always willing to help or offer advice.)  Other suggested materials and websites are listed at the end of this document.

Can I see some examples of the KS2 SATs grammar test?

The SPAG test was new in 2013, so the only official past papers available to include the grammar, punctuation and spelling test are the KS2 SATs English 2013 and KS2 SATs English 2014 ones. The DfE also has one set of sample papers  that relate to the new format and content of the test, introduced for 2016.

TheSchoolRun has also produced practice papers, written in the style of the pre-2016 test, which are available to subscribers.

Schools may also choose to enter children for the SPaG test at Level 6, which is at a significantly higher level. In addition to an extra Paper 1 and Paper 2, these children must also produce an extended piece of writing which assesses their grammar, punctuation and vocabulary in action. The children have no advance notice of what the topic will be, and they have only 20 minutes to complete the task.

At Midfield Primary School, SPaG is now being taught to children across the school in age-appropriate ways. Each year is developing children’s knowledge by building on the previous year’s learning.

Supporting the Learners

There are a number of ways you can support children in improving their spelling, punctuation and grammar. We list the links below:

SPaG Test Revision links




  1. 2013KS2GrammarTestsGlossary
  2. SPAG_Paper_1_short_answer_questions
  3. SPaG Glossary
  4. Years 3 and 4 Gorgeous Grammar
  5.   2015 key stage 2 levels 3-5 English grammar, punctuation and spelling paper 1: short answer questions
  6.   2015 key stage 2 levels 3-5 English grammar, punctuation and spellling paper 2: spelling
  7.   2016 sample KS2 English grammar, punctuation and spelling Paper 1: questions
  8.   2016 sample KS2 English grammar, punctuation and spelling Paper 2: spelling