British Values
British values are at the core of all we do at Midfield, whether it be through our assemblies, our RE curriculum, our personal, social, health and citizenship lessons or through other areas of the curriculum. The term British values can be somewhat misleading as these values are integral to so many countries across the world.
The Government defines British Values as:
- The values of democracy
- The rule of law
- Individual Liberty
- Mutual respect and tolerance for those of different faiths and beliefs.
Below are some examples of how British values are promoted in our school curriculum.
Being Part of Britain
Our curriculum reflects, celebrates and teaches children about diversity. For example, in RE children learn about the four main religions: Christianity, Islam, Judaism and Hinduism. They compare and contrast marriage customs and naming ceremony customs, for example, and have opportunities to visit different places of worship.
Throughout the year we celebrate being part of Britain. In general terms this means we celebrate events such as:
- Christmas
- Harvest
- Mothering Sunday
- Remembrance Day
We have a trip to the theatre at Christmas and a Christmas pantomime in school. In addition, we always take part in key British events such as the Olympics or celebrations for the Queen such as the Jubilee. For such events we hold parades, tea parties, concerts and do additional curriculum classroom work about how such events relate to being British.
In Geography
Children learn about the traditional seaside town of Scarborough, the historical fishing village of Robin Hood's Bay and the beautiful Yorkshire Dales. They also learn about Britain's place in Europe as well as other aspects of its rich heritage.
In History
Children learn about British key figures such as Guy Fawkes, George Stevenson, William the Conqueror, Queen Elizabeth 1, Henry V111, Queen Victoria, Dr Barnardo, Sir Winston Churchill and Mary Seacole. One of our themes in History is a study of childhood in different historical periods and how key historical events have impacted on British lives today (The Factories and Education Acts in our Victorian topic, The Battle of Britain in our WW2 topic, The Reformation in The Tudors for example).