Arts Council Meetings
Autumn 1
Areas Discussed:
- What do the arts look like at Midfield?
- What are we proud of?
- What do we want to improve?
Actions and Impact
- Children were very clear about what they are proud of at Midfield.
- Subject coordinator to look at planning and ensure variety across academic year.
- Investigate possible big projects linked to current affairs or world issues.
- Plan to hold parent drop ins to showcase children's work.
Autumn 2
Areas discussed:
- How often do the children feel they are taught Art/ DT?
- What does DT look like?
- Sharing Art work from all year groups.
Actions and Impact:
- Ideas brainstormed for a DT project.
- Begun posters to advertise project to pupils.
- Research needed into cooking facilities for DT.
- Display of whole school art to be created
Spring 1
Areas Discussed:
- What do you do in Art lessons?
- What skills do you feel you have learnt?
- Have you learnt about famous artists?
- What would you like to create for the whole school Art Display?
Actions and Impact
- Look at Art display board, discussed ideas, went on a walk to the Eco Garden and made decisions about what to include in display.
- Discussion about children's views of Art lessons and skills.