Autumn 1
Areas Discussed:
* Dot - to Dot litter pick - how do we encourage more people to attend?
* Recycling at our school - how can we get better recycling facilities
* Mrs Wedderburn and Eco Squad made a tour of all the outdoor areas of the school to identify areas for improvement
*Area below Dining Hall balcony, adjacent to EYFS gate needs a clean up and could be made better by planting some trees.
* All children in classes to write an invitation to their parents for the dot-to-dot litter pick Sunday 6th October 2019. Posters/word-of-mouth/Dojos/Newsletter/ Assembly
* Eco squad, together with the Junior Cray Forum, to lead a petition to Bromley Council for free recycling facilities for schools. The petition will be available for people to sign at the Nugent Centre on the day of the Dot-to-Dot Litter Pick
*EYFS Forest School area - Ashdown base camp - needs a new log circle - Mrs Weddburn to ask Mr Andrew Harby, Manager of Scadbury Park, for logs.
* Puzzlewood Forest School base camp needs major clearance and new log circle - parent/children weekend working party to be considered
Autumn 2
Areas Discussed:
* How can we reduce the use of single use plastic in our school?
* How can we improve the school's energy consumption?
* The free recycling for schools petition - how are we doing?
*Continue to push the petition and deliver to Bromley Mayor
* Work to improve the school's recycling - composting/no single-use plastic to be used by school dinners provider
* Campaign for turning lights off in the classroom
Spring 1
Areas Discussed:
* The group spoke with the Head of Olive (out catering company) about the single use plastic pots for yogurt/fruit/jelly at lunch time - they have been replaced with reusable plastic pots - a great win for the Eco club!
* The group would like to meet more regularly
* Local litter problem - particularly bad on Grovelands Road and outside the schools gates,
* There is a need for more composting at school; apples/bananas/cores etc
*The group will now meet every other week with Mrs Wedderburn
* Wednesday break time litter squad to litter pick by the school gates and top of Grovelands Road
* The group will use recycled plastics from school to create a peice of artwork for display