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P.I.T Stop

Welcome to PIT STOP


At Midfield Primary we recognise that a child’s health and wellbeing is a key factor in their ability to learn, achieve and access all opportunities available to them. We support this through our P.E curriculum and after-school activities where children are encouraged to take care of and to learn about their physical health in order to maintain helpful habits throughout life. We also support children so that they may feel happy and confident, develop resilience and take pride in themselves as unique individuals. Our PSHE curriculum (Personal Social Health Education), Circle times and Mindfulness lessons also support children in their physical and mental health and well-being.

Midfield Primary School is committed to the health and safety and well-being of all our children. Our Pastoral/SEN Team and Pupil Support Leader have a particular role to play in safeguarding and ensuring that children and families access the right kind of support they may need.

Midfield Primary School has achieved the Healthy Schools London Bronze and Silver awards. We are proud to be the first Primary school in Bromley to receive the prestigious Healthy Schools London Gold Award from The Mayor of London.

The PIT Stop is our Pastoral Inclusion Initiative which has been set up to provide additional enrichment and PSHE (Personal Social Health and Education) support for children, their families and their Carers. PSHE is an integral part of the national curriculum which is taught in all schools. Children who come to the PIT Stop are supported through group work and one-to-one pastoral mentoring undertaken by Pastoral Officers and when deemed necessary, qualified counsellors and therapists.

Children are referred to PIT Stop through the Pupil Support Lead, Teaching staff or Parents/Carers themselves. Referrals are made for a wide range of reasons including support with friendships, developing confidence, managing feelings and bereavement.

PIT STOP groups focus on social skills, self-esteem, building resilience, and managing behaviour. This is done through creative methods such as Drama, Art, play, group discussion and worksheets and Relaxation using Mindfulness techniques.

We also help to prepare our Year 6 children for the Transition from Primary to Secondary school through PSHE workshops. Some of this work is done in partnership with other agencies e.g. The Healthy Schools Team.

In addition to our structured programmes, we also respond to requests for whole class workshops and Inclusion.